A global organization providing a key platform to
amplify and strengthen the experience, knowledge
and resources of our members.
BetterWorld Nation.
BetterWorld Nation is truly a universal global organization strategically designed as the key platform to amplify and strengthen the experience, knowledge and resources of over 25 World Regions across multiple countries. The BetterWorld Nation Platform unites many voices together as One. Stronger & More Effective with enhanced abilities to quickley and agreesivly achieve a combined goal to "Make Our World Better". Each Global Region is made up of smaller locally defined areas each known as a BetterWorld Marketplace and each BW Marketplace provides a local business infrastructure that promotes programs that unites local businesses and consumers working together to build long term benefits for all.
7 BOI Structured Funds
For over 16 years, BOI.Zone oversight teams have been turning information into insights, providing essential intelligence accelerating progress in our ever-changing world. The Uplift Foundation in concert with the BOI.Zone will deliver data, research, credit ratings, benchmarks and SDG solutions that governments, companies and individuals depend on to make SDG impact investment decisions with conviction.
BW Marketplace Resources
Award-winning, sustainable and smart-functioning regional workspace infrastructure equipped with a fully integrated building network connectivity and power for an effective and energy-efficient workplace environment where business productivity along with the daily pleasures of food and social interaction abilities that promote a colobrative global project business environment.
UpLift BW Forum & Events
The Better World Global Platform hosts several forums and events sponsored by partner foundations and corporations through the Better World Forum Commission. Once a year our organization picks a place from the top locations world wide, where our members can be together for a week, exchange progress, projects, networking and share their achievements as part of the big picture of our Better World goals.
Regional Country
Funding Teams
Years of Global
Project Knowledge
BWN Regional
% Higher Returns Both
Scoial & Economic
Join The BetterWorld Vision.
Creating a better world requires teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration, as we need an entire army of companies to work together to build a better world within the next few decades. This means corporations must embrace the benefits of cooperating with one another.
Join The BetterWorld Mission.
Make a place better when you leave.
The BetterWorld Nation is build on a structure of global partnerships in several contenents around the world. Funding for BW Global Partnerships are greatly enhanced to get the highest social Do-Good benefits and for investors looking for pure economic returns on money invested. In both cases the BW Model prorvides a three tier enhanced structure designed to provide 25% and better returns on investment both social and economic. These three tiers are mamnaged by three groups of companies.
1. BW Markets | 2. UpLift BOI Funds | 3. BW Global Member Forums
Bringing a working concept in the UnitedStates to BetterWorld Forum Countries this establishes an excellent business evironment to be used a central point for creating BetterWorld business Opurtuniites and Projects. Each BW Marketplace Regional Building will benefit from anchor tenates that boost business abilities with additional services from banking to getting a coffee and lunch. The The BW Marketplace works with BWF regional Board of Investment (BOI) and the Uplift Foundation together with its partnerhips to bring global business opurtunities with big business experience and investment that has fueled the amazing success of business centers like in Silicon Valley and Los Angeles. Proven results that will create new and freshing ideas that will change the peoples definition of how a workspace and marketplace work together as one Marketpalce evironmenet.
BOI Fund
The Brazil. BOI.Zone oversees Five Investment Fund Teams to enhance & incentivize investment in BetterWorld Do-Good Projects in Brazil. Each SDG Impct Fund Team works under the UpLift Foundation SDG Impact Funds Structure .
Each SDG Impact Fund Team's Mission is to evaluate & Invest funds that best align with the United Nations 17 SDG (Sustainable Investment Goals). Each Fund invests in one of five different focused investment segments in Brazil.
BetterWorld Forum
Global Memeber Experience
Contact us today to book your appintment with our representatives.
18-23 SEP
BetterWorld.Festival 2023 Valencia, Spain
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.
Join The BetterWorld
Turning everyday purchases into long term recurring sustainable investments providing Both Sustainable cash returns that provide a percentage of recurring donations that continue to grow over time.
BetterWorld Forum
Content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel web application framework.
Global Partnerships
Content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel web application framework.